Exquisite Jewellery - Malta
Exquisite Jewellery
1 Review
Exquisite JewelleryHut 66, Villagg Tas-Snajja', H' Attard, Ta' Qali+356 2141 8593https://www.maltayp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Exquisite JewelleryHut 66, Villagg Tas-Snajja', H' Attard, Ta' Qali+356 2141 8593https://www.maltayp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
We visit Exquisite Jewellery every year when we go to Malta and not only have built up a good collection of filligree ear rings and love them they are beautifully and carefully made.
we have made very dear friends with them all and are always warmly welcomed, the staff are always very helpful and we can browse without feeling we are being watched or hounded.I would have no hesitation in buying anything from Exquisite Jewellery
we have made very dear friends with them all and are always warmly welcomed, the staff are always very helpful and we can browse without feeling we are being watched or hounded.I would have no hesitation in buying anything from Exquisite Jewellery
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